Friday, February 8, 2013

Day Three from December...hyperdrive time jump to today!

As I mentioned in the last post, today was the  3rd Annual Christmas Concert that the First Lady of Belize sponsored for the orphaned and handicapped children of Belize. We were told that volunteering to perform at this show were some of the very best entertainers of Belize. The First Lady sent tour buses to all the children's homes in Belize to pick us up and drop us off at the beautiful theater in downtown Belize City. We arrived with 15 minutes to spare and the excitement in the place was palpable. Every child there, big and little  were squirming in anticipation of what they knew would be a fun show.
Well all I can say after watching this event is; if this is the very best in entertainment that Belize  has to offer ... well, what's the most tactful way to put this... Belize is a very small country. Their  total population  about the size of our small city here in New York state. While the presentation was very amateurish, the kids all had a great time and that is what matters most.

There is more about this weekend that was both funny and endearing , but I am a BAD blogger and this post was sitting in my draft all  this time. Guess I had better jump to what is going on since my visit!

Since then, we passed court on January 18th, and the Order was filed here on January 25...which made all things official.  The first available US Embassy Consulate  appointment for the kids' visas was on February 12, so we flew to Belize  yesterday to finish up all the American requirements for the adoption.  So I will end this post and start a new series for this adventure.
That is if the Internet here allows me to post very much. It is  S.   L.   O. W. at best and  VERY unreliable at worst, so I will try to keep updating. Pictures may have to be added later as those uploads seem to be more than it can handle.

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