Remember blogging?
It was a thing... like Yahoo groups.
Yeah. They both went the way of the Dinosaur in favor of more socially active media.
And at first it was Facebook. But it had limited amount of posting characters. (Remember 10 years ago?) but technology and time kept progressing and now FB is for older folks not the college kids it was built for and now younger people are Instagraming and whatever.
And I guess Twitter is also a big deal for people who are more pithy and political and clever. I actually have an account thanks to one of my kids setting it up but have never used it because I am neither clever or politically active or can say anything in only 127 characters.
So when I get time I try to log in to FB. I love to check in on friends, but I feel I can’t get too personal there. It just doesn’t feel like the right environment. It is not the place to share my life experiences or deep thoughts. And I wrestle with so many.
I think we all would agree I really don’t think social media “friends“ truly care if what you really think or care about takes more than 127 characters or a photograph to express . It’s all superficial for the most part.
So I’m going to go back to this anonymous blogging dinosaur and spill my guts as I see fit.
Because you know what? It turns out I have a lot to say, because I have spent six decades so far on this planet and I just need to vent.
More. Later
Friday, December 20, 2019
Christmas Joy and Sacrifice
Lord. I wrote this many many years ago (7 to be exact) and never hit send because... life. It’s disjointed and this one is unedited
I’m glad no one does blogging and can see this anymore so I’m going to hit go so I can keep thinking aloud in the coming days as I have so many thoughts.
I LOVE Christmas. I always have...well, almost always. There was the season as a teen when it was not as magical anymore, but it was still enjoyable. But Christmas became spectacular once again after my babies were born because I could once again re-live the magic of the Christmas season through their wonder. To this very day with my little ones, it fills my heart to bursting to see the delight on their young faces when they see all the lights and decorations go up, or when they would “help” me make cut-out cookies and then decorate them, or go to the mall and ride on the Christmas Express Train. Then especially on Christmas morning, when they come downstairs and gasp in delight and stare in wondrous surprise at the wrapped gifts under the tree. These special times live in my heart and memory forever.
I’m glad no one does blogging and can see this anymore so I’m going to hit go so I can keep thinking aloud in the coming days as I have so many thoughts.
I LOVE Christmas. I always have...well, almost always. There was the season as a teen when it was not as magical anymore, but it was still enjoyable. But Christmas became spectacular once again after my babies were born because I could once again re-live the magic of the Christmas season through their wonder. To this very day with my little ones, it fills my heart to bursting to see the delight on their young faces when they see all the lights and decorations go up, or when they would “help” me make cut-out cookies and then decorate them, or go to the mall and ride on the Christmas Express Train. Then especially on Christmas morning, when they come downstairs and gasp in delight and stare in wondrous surprise at the wrapped gifts under the tree. These special times live in my heart and memory forever.
But another reason that Christmas became much more special and meaningful was that once I had become a parent, I now had a better understanding of the immense sacrifice required of the Father and Son that was made on our behalf. For me, an imperfect and selfish creature, every child I took into my arms for the first time, whether they were eight minutes old with bald heads and blue eyes or eight years old with black hair and frightened dark eyes, I felt a love for them so strong, so fierce and devoted that I would do anything to keep them safe and protected. I kept them close to me and kissed and cuddled them every chance I could, even checking on them in the middle of the night to make sure they were sufficiently covered and sleeping peacefully...taking that opportunity to kiss their sleeping heads. I never wanted be separated from my children for any time longer more than normal life events. The only time Christmas became really unpleasant was after my divorce and I had to say goodbye to my young children so they could spend part of Christmas with their father. Oh, I can still feel that sinking feeling, watching them drive away ~ Those were some difficult times.... And that was only being separated from my children for a day or two.
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:11
And therein lies the absolute difference in the incredible, can't wrap my mind around it, extravagant, boundless love the Father has lavished upon us. And if I love my children as profoundly as I do, how much more so does our perfect Heavenly Father love His Son,?
What an immense sacrifice it must have been to be separated for 33 YEARS. My BabyGirl was in Korea for three years and I was beside myself in misery missing her.
And this sacrifice was done because God also loves US as His children and without that sacrifice we could not come home. I will never understand how the Father God and Jesus processed this... maybe some day in Heaven it will be made clear, but for now it is beyond my comprehension.
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:11
And therein lies the absolute difference in the incredible, can't wrap my mind around it, extravagant, boundless love the Father has lavished upon us. And if I love my children as profoundly as I do, how much more so does our perfect Heavenly Father love His Son,?
What an immense sacrifice it must have been to be separated for 33 YEARS. My BabyGirl was in Korea for three years and I was beside myself in misery missing her.
And this sacrifice was done because God also loves US as His children and without that sacrifice we could not come home. I will never understand how the Father God and Jesus processed this... maybe some day in Heaven it will be made clear, but for now it is beyond my comprehension.
But of course I often think of His earthly parents. Two of of my favorite Christmas songs are Mary Did You Know and Joseph’s Song, because they speak of the vulnerability of Mary and Joseph. Frail humans charged with raising the Son of God. I really think a lot about is how his earthly parents might have felt during that season and on the night of His birth. Mary was just a young girl, a virgin who conceived through the Holy Spirit. Did she sometimes wonder if she was crazy? Did she really hear that angel right? This child is really going to be the long awaited “Messiah?” Born to ME?? Hmmmm....
I often wonder if her mother or father believed her explanation that her child was conceived of God. What would YOU think if your daughter came to you pregnant and said the same thing? Especially if she were engaged, wouldn’t you try to talk her out of “making excuses” and tell her to “come to her senses? I know I would! We now can say in hindsight, well that can only happened once and cannot happen again, but even in Mary’s time when the Messiah was expected, no one thought that the Messiah would be born to such lowly, poor people. Her family’s reputation in Nazareth must have taken quite a blow and Mary herself must have been disgraced. How very difficult it must have been to have everyone, including Joseph initially, doubting her. And yet she knew she was sinless in this matter. A woman chosen by God because of her humility is humbled even more...and still her response was not to try and vindicate herself, but rather “she pondered these things in her heart.”
And while not very much is mentioned about Joseph, we know he was also a good and humble man, faithful and Godly. Still, I also wonder if after the angel’s visitation to him in his sleep if he ever doubted what he heard. Did he wonder if he “heard right” as well, or was that some crazy, bad dream? Did he think to himself on that road to Bethlehem that there was a chance that Mary’s child would be born on that journey? Would he still have brought her along if he had?
Did either or both of them wonder when she was in labor.."How can this be the Messiah? There is not even a single room in the Inn!! SURELY, if this is God’s son, wouldn’t you think He would have at least ensured us a safe room for the child to be born in... a warm, soft bed and clean clothes to deliver him into? If this is God’s only son, than WHAT are we doing out here in this cold barn, with Joseph as the only midwife, and all these dirty animals around? Did we really hear Him right?? Why doesn't God care about us any more?? Why has He left us to fend for ourselves?"
I know they had great faith, but after all THEY were only human and things were not working out so great in that moment for them and I wonder if they wrestled with these thoughts.
I know for myself there have been many times that I have believed that I knew something was for sure of God. For Sure... Then I go and start doubting the first time things did not go as I thought they should have. Throw a kink in the works and I start second-guessing myself...and God. Every time I have a plan, God has a plan for my plan. He's kinda funny that way...forcing us to Trust HIM every step of the way.
And on that special night, according to God's plan, a child was born to the virgin, Mary...and it was a boy (good start!) and he was healthy and strong and beautiful. Nonetheless, the Son of God was but a tiny, frail human infant, COMPLETELY dependent upon his earthly parents to provide and care for him. Profoundly astonishing to me that God would send His son into such a vulnerable situation and yet, there He was! And how beautiful those first moments of wonder must have been!! Here is His mother, so young, and yet I have no doubt that she was thrilled and delighted to see her baby. After all, He was HER son as well. I firmly believe that Mary felt the EXACT same fierce, protective love we all feel when we first behold our infants. Can't you just see her...uncurling His fingers and counting and kissing each tiny fingertip...smelling the sweetness of His mouth...feeling the softness of His skin and hair, and singing gently to Him as He tries to fix His gaze on hers. And as she nursed Him can't you just hear her whisper to Him... “I’d fight tigers for you my beautiful son...”
I suppose if they ever had any doubts at all that they were anything but another "ordinary" family, they faded away when, “suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.’” The shepherds came confirming the good news, as well as the Wise Men.
"Well, I guess we really did hear that part right..."
And still I cannot help but wonder even when all doubts were removed about WHO this child really was if the magnitude of that reality made her heart pound... “Mary, did you know, when you kissed your little baby, you kissed the face of God?”
And for humble Joseph; how many times did he wonder aloud to God as he looked at the son that he loved and ADOPTED as his own..."How can a man be father to The Son of God? Lord, for all my life I've been a simple can I raise a King? How can I raise a King?" For whatever human shortcomings he may have had, Joseph succeeded in raising a King who was as humble as himself...
So once again I ponder the joy and the sacrifice it took on every one's part long ago to see the miracle of the Christmas story fulfilled. I am reminded that I must be praying unceasingly to see God's plan unfold in my family's lives as well. That I need to stop my own doubting when things go awry, and to continue to walk out His purposes with the same faith, humility, obedience, and willingness to sacrifice that was exemplified by Mary and Joseph. We are praying that you also, will see God's plan for your life and will join whole-heartedly in His glorious adventure. It is seldom an easy road, but boy, is it worth it!
Wishing everyone a joyous, glorious, love-filled Christmas!!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
iPad glitches
Maybe it's the iPad not working well with the Google environment. Maybe it's the CRAPPY Internet.
But once I dash off a post and it saves (automatically) no matter how I try and edit it, it always reverts to the first copy.
This makes me look quite illiterate...which hurts my pride.
So I beg the pardon of anyone who reads this stuff. I really do know how to spell most words.
Carry on.
But once I dash off a post and it saves (automatically) no matter how I try and edit it, it always reverts to the first copy.
This makes me look quite illiterate...which hurts my pride.
So I beg the pardon of anyone who reads this stuff. I really do know how to spell most words.
Carry on.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Back to Belize
After all this time...over three and a half years...we are finally on the Belizean trip to bring the Fab Five home and it feels almost surreal. We arrived here on Wednesday night and after many previous nights of little sleep preparing for this journey, and a long day of travel ( that included a rather inglorious mad dash through the Atlanta airport to make our flight connection , but hey we made it!) David and I crashed early. We were not able to stay at the fabulous bungalow we had rented before and more's the pity. This place is...ok. If you have only stayed at "real" hotels...and I mean even at the Motel 6 level, you would prolly be dismayed at the lack of amenities and comfort. But we have stayed in far inferior places in our world travels so we are not thrown off in the least. The worst part is the bed is no more than a foam mattress on cot springs, which is torture on David's back, so we may have to switch to at least a different room. For right now though we are still running on enough adrenaline and nervous excitement to keep us going.
Yesterday, we met with the social worker who had their caseworker for 7 years. This is a wonderful, caring woman who really loves these kids and who in her own words, "often prays for them." I guess you can be a Government worker here in Belize and still get away with saying that. We talked for awhile, then she handed over all the legal documents we needed to proceed with the next officials steps; passports, medical records and other personal items for the kids.
After onur meeting, we all hugged each other and promised to stay in touch.
now in our last phone call with them on Sunday the older kids had asked if they could finish out the school week so they would have plenty of time to say goodbye to their friends. We thought it would be bezt to let them finish up that part and not interuppt their last days of school with our presence, so this meant we wouldn't see them until Friday afternoon. So with this little bit of free time on our hands, we spent the remainder of the day on Thursday traveling around Belize City. After walking around for a bit, we ate lunch at a small street side cafe. Ever since my last trip to Vietnam to get Sophie, I lost my fear of eating in these small non-touriplaces as the food is usually MUCH better and very reasonably prices. Certainly that was the case in Vietnam, and we were not disappointed in this choice here in Belize. Our lunch was very good and the portions were more than we could finish. We plan to return here again after we get the kids. we drove around the city some more and then returned to our room fora quick dinner of granola bars and beef jerky, then crashed again early in anticipation of the 10 year roller coaster ride that would begin in earnest on Friday.
So now it is Friday morning and all we need to officially do today is to pick up all the necessary court documents from our lawyer. We were not meeting with her...we were told the paperwork would be there waiting for us to pick it up.
Well Fter waiting in the lobby for about 30 minutes, we were ushered into a conference room upstairs and told our lawyer would be right in. She said she wanted to meet us before handing over the paperwork..ok cool. So we talk pleasantries a mo net before she hands me an envelope with a SINGLE peice of paper....the ordinal copy of the court order. S I ask about all the other legal paperwork we need for the Consualte appointment...x5 and she looks confused. She looks through our file and lo and behold she finds an email that our agency sent their office 2weeks ago explains what we needed from their office.
Well, we will have to come back in a half an hour and she will have it ready for us. She then hands us another envelope...a bill for her additional fees and says goodbye. We looked at that bill and almost choked! Well I almost did; David remains no-plussed on the surface under these circumstances.
We left her office at 10:00, KNOWING full well that in Belize, 30minutes really means 2 hours. We drove around looking for the public park that was listed to se if it was good to bring the kids to, then drove around some more taking pictures...then went back to our little cafe we found yesterday for lunch. since it had been about 2 hours we drove back over here to the lawyers office and David went in to grab the papers.
I have been sitting in the car for over 30minutes now, typing this all up and waiting for him to return. My iPad is about to die because I forgot to charge the battery so I won't be able to do much more, and who knows when I will get an Internet signal to send this, but it will ready to go when I do.
We get the kids this we are very e tied about that...let the rollercoaster ride....begin!
Day Three from December...hyperdrive time jump to today!
As I mentioned in the last post, today was the 3rd Annual Christmas Concert that the First Lady of Belize sponsored for the orphaned and handicapped children of Belize. We were told that volunteering to perform at this show were some of the very best entertainers of Belize. The First Lady sent tour buses to all the children's homes in Belize to pick us up and drop us off at the beautiful theater in downtown Belize City. We arrived with 15 minutes to spare and the excitement in the place was palpable. Every child there, big and little were squirming in anticipation of what they knew would be a fun show.
Well all I can say after watching this event is; if this is the very best in entertainment that Belize has to offer ... well, what's the most tactful way to put this... Belize is a very small country. Their total population about the size of our small city here in New York state. While the presentation was very amateurish, the kids all had a great time and that is what matters most.
There is more about this weekend that was both funny and endearing , but I am a BAD blogger and this post was sitting in my draft all this time. Guess I had better jump to what is going on since my visit!
Since then, we passed court on January 18th, and the Order was filed here on January 25...which made all things official. The first available US Embassy Consulate appointment for the kids' visas was on February 12, so we flew to Belize yesterday to finish up all the American requirements for the adoption. So I will end this post and start a new series for this adventure.
That is if the Internet here allows me to post very much. It is S. L. O. W. at best and VERY unreliable at worst, so I will try to keep updating. Pictures may have to be added later as those uploads seem to be more than it can handle.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Friday, Day 2
Friday turned out to be a very low-key day. I had a fabulous time getting to know several of the volunteers that were at Liberty this week. They all are really selfless, dedicated people from different countries and walks of life who have come to Liberty to try and make a difference in these kids' lives. More on my new friends in the next post.
Our kids woke up and they were still beaming with delight to have me there. Zarrina continued to appear more happy and affectionate with me than last January, and she has maintained a pretty steady camaraderie with me. This has been a wonderful encouragement to me .
Tyler especially seems to really love my presence, which from our phone calls I am not surprised about, but he is very affectionate, holding my hand and insisting that I go with him everywhere about the compound. Miss Delfena took him to get new shoes today and she said she could not remember him ever being so happy and that he was singing out loud the whole way to and from Belize City. Both of us take this to be a very good sign! (But don't even get me started on the "music" they love to sing to such as; "She ain't got the junk in her trunk"...)
While Shadrock continues to be busy, busy, busy he loves to come up behind me and surprise me with quite the exuberant hugs! Whenever they have to stop and sit...meal times and movie times, both Tyler and Shaddie fight to sit on my lap. So I now have to say lunch time is Tyler's turn and dinner is Shadrock's. Tonight, Rupert really wanted me to sit with the bigger kids and Shaddie was quite upset about having his turn on my lap missed! The compromise was he got to sit on my lap during the entire movie that night.
Shaddie's pillows, top sheets or blankets |
Tyler's bed |
Rupert's bed is to the right |
Now unlike the younger boys who are still very immature, Brittney seems to have grown exponentially more mature and settled this past year. Miss. Delfena confirmed to me that Britney is doing much better in all areas. Her grades at school are the best of the bunch. She told me that she had Brittney alone one day and asked about her true feelings...did she just want to be adopted to get out of Belize or did she really want a Mom and Dad and a new family? She said Brittney answered clearly and unequivocally that she wanted a family. Honestly, I think this is true for all of them. All day Brittney has held my hand or sat on my lap or asked me to do Mom stuff...everything from helping to tie the bow in the back of her shirt, to undoing her hair that was all in braids and twists with rubber bands that were twisted more than 20 times.
Brittney after I took all her braids out |
Now in anticipation of their homecoming, I have been doing a lot of reading and watching videos on how to care for the girls' hair, but OMGosh I cannot even begin to imagine doing that kind of intricate weaving and braiding myself! And spending hours and hours doing their hair it was INTIMIDATING to say the least!
Miss D. suggested ... no she TOLD ME that it was time for Zarrina to get her hair relaxed as it would be good for her self-esteem now that she is at "that age" and we don't want other kids mocking her if her hair isn't "done right" and obviously, *I do not have the ability to do it right. She said that if it is relaxed then Z can just " brush her hair and go..." Oh, and btw..I need to take her to a salon every 4 weeks so she can have it professionally done. While I readily admit I am a novice at this hair care stuff, I am first and foremost not too keen on putting all these chemicals on my daughter's hair every 4 weeks! Nor do we have the resources to be traveling to the salon every 4 weeks for an expensive straightening treatment. And while it may be a possibility in Belize that mocking may occur, certainly in our culture, mocking Z because her hair isn't up to Belizean weaving standards is NOT gonna happen. So we will just have to see about this whole "necessary" hair straightening thing.
Brittney after her hair was done |
Zarrina and L after their hair was finished |
What more could you ask for?
Tomorrow, the First Lady of Belize, Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow is hosting her annual Christmas Concert at the main theater in Belize City for all the orphaned and handicapped children of Belize and all the kids are greatly looking forward to it. More on that in tomorrow's post.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Surprise...Day One in Belize
Thursday ~ arrival day
After a fairly uneventful morning of traveling…well, the handle of my carry-on did break taking it out of the car, forcing me to carry it instead of pulling it, which was a bit more strenuous than I was hoping for, especially in the huge Atlanta airport! (However did we manage all those years before wheels on luggage were invented?) And once I got to Belize, trying to finagle the two huge checked bags filled with clothes and treats for all the kids at Liberty, the broken carry-on, my lap-top case and my backpack…well let’s just say I’m sure I did the Three Stooges proud what with one of the other suitcase always tipping over while I was trying to pick up the last one that fell. Finally I made it through customs and spotted my ride and without any more mishaps we were off to Liberty.
Unlike the other trips down here where we stayed at a local bungalow, I would be staying right at the children’s home so I could maximize my time with the kids. We had told the kids that since they could not be home for Christmas, we were sending them a Christmas surprise that they should receive on Thursday. As soon as we pulled in, Zarrina came up to the car to see if she could be helpful, and when she saw me in the back seat, she got this strange, almost blank look on her face, like she knew she knew the face, but couldn't believe it. So I said…SURPRISE! And she broke into her famous ear-to-ear grin and said, MOM! Is that really you? And she gave me lots of hugs and kisses and took me by the hand and led me to where I would be staying.
Now last January when we were there to meet the kids, Zarrina was understandably much more shy and reserved with me. She is by nature shy and very introspective. However since we have been talking together of the course of this year, we have gotten to know each other much better and in her genuine excitement and happiness that I was there she let her guard down to give AND receive much sweet affection. It was really wonderful! None of the siblings were there at that time as they were either out on a shopping trip or finishing up exams at school, so we were able to sit and talk together for about an hour before we were interrupted. Z was animated and glowing during this whole one-on-one time together and I was blessed to see a part of her she normally keeps hidden.
Just then Tyler came in and walked right by me. I came up behind him and hugged and kissed him on the back of his neck and said…Guess who this is? In his adorable raspy voice and lilting Kriol accent he said, “I dunno; who eezzit?” and he turned to look at me. Again, like Zarrina he had the look like…I recognize you, but it can’t be.
He said, “You look like mah Mom… you-ah my Mom?”
“Yes, my son, it is me …SURPRISE!!”
And the boy just buried his head into me and held onto me so tightly…like if he let go or looked up he feared I would disappear, and that made my heart just sink for him, because I knew what would be coming next.
Excitedly he asked. “Mom, Mom, Mom, (he was so excited he only said it three times instead of his usual five times…)You comb fo me to take-ah me home?”
Sigh…. No my son, not yet. I am just here for a few days to surprise you for Christmas. Pretty soon though you will go home.
“Aftah Chreestmas we go home?”
Yes…just a few weeks after Christmas, Daddy and I will come back to get you and your brothers and sisters to go home for good.
“Ok den. You bring me Chreestmas presents?”
Yes, I brought you all a small gift.
“When can I have eet? Can I have eet right now-ah?”
Now an interesting thing happened while I was with the boys…I noticed Zarrina had gone back to her usual reserved, almost aloof behavior and even though I went back to sit down and talk with her, she no longer wanted to be engaged. I decided to keep talking and acting like nothing had changed on her part and while she never came back to the joyful camaraderie that had marked our first hour together, I could tell she was enjoying me being affectionate with her. Back in January when she retreated like this and refused to even answer me, I thought she didn't like me and was “dissing” me. Boy, I had totally misread her back then. This girl just wants to be pursued and sought after. She wants to know that you care enough to work hard to earn her affection and once that light bulb went off in my head (DUH!) it totally changed the dynamic of our relationship. Now that I finally “got it” I don’t mind at all carrying on one-way conversations with her as I know she is listening and enjoying my attempts. And when she refuses to even acknowledge that I am rubbing her shoulders or back, stroking her arms are kissing her head that’s way ok too, because I know now for sure that she secretly really loves the attention and the motherly touches that I am giving her. This was a huge break-through for both of us. And as the days progressed she took my hand a few times while we were walking, acting of course like it was no big deal. And often she would come and stand right near me, waiting for me to hug and kiss her and then rub her back. Our sweet girl couldn’t help herself and she will now let a small smile escape her lips.
Ok, so back to day one and Rupert’s arrival…
I was looking out the window and saw Rupert arriving back at Liberty after school. He stopped to talk with one of the caregivers and then all of a sudden he starts running towards the dining hall with a huge grin on his face, so I knew she must have said something. He came in the room and ran straight towards me and gave me a big hug and planted a big kiss right on my lips. Now this was very surprising…almost more shocking than Zarinna’s affection to me as Rupert did not volunteer any physical affection towards me last January. He was very sweet and polite and thoughtful, and he didn't seem to mind if I loved up on him a bit, but it definitely was not reciprocal. It wasn't until the very last moment just before we were leaving that he ever gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek the whole week we were there! But here he was now, so happy to see me that he was both hugging and kissing me in front of his friends! This trip was turning out to be pretty cool so far…all that was left was the capricious Miss. B.
She was out shopping for the upcoming big fundraiser with the Director, Miss Delfena and the minute the van pulled into the lot and slowed to a stop, out she jumped and ran like a track star to the dining hall. Miss Smarty-pants had put 2-and-2 together after overhearing one of Miss Delfena's conversations in the van and our telling her there was a surprise coming on Thursday that the surprise was me. I’m warning you all now…not much will ever escape our would-be-dictator and she has the brains, determination and vivaciousness to make things happen her way. This child has a huge personality and lives right out loud, every single day. She can be quite overwhelming to the meek of heart…good thing she is coming into a family that already has experience with guiding and training determined, vivacious would-be-dictators and actually likes how stubborn they are…right Sarah?
Anyway all 100+ pounds of her jumped into my arms and almost knocked us both to the floor, except that I had calculated her non-slowing pace and braced myself before she hit like a tsunami. She smothered my face with kisses and then promptly told me before I could say how long I was there for that as long as I was here I will have to just stay until after the court date to save on airfare. That be mah Sugar-Sugar, Miss B. and she warms my heart with her zest for life.
The rest of the day was spent catching up looking at a year's worth of photos on the Ipad and having all five sit as close to me as possible, if not on my lap. By 8pm I was so beat I excused myself to go back to the Volunteers Dorm with a smile on my face and a grateful heart that it had all gone as well as it had.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Guardianship Court Date and another trip to Belize
Well so much for it only taking a few days to get another Court took over 3 weeks, but we finally heard a few days ago that we have our official date. The children will be assigned to our legal guardianship on January 18, 2013. We do not need to be present for this court hearing as our lawyer will handle this for us. Then we wait for the paperwork to be filed at the Registrars office. (This could take 2 days...could take 2 weeks or more.)
After the papers are filed, our lawyer can then obtain the legal copies we need to request a Consulate appointment. As it stands now, the Consulate is saying they need a two-week advance notice before they can issue an appointment, but we will request one ASAP anyway. So it means we could be traveling to bring the kids home (best case scenario) by the end of January to about mid-late February. This of course means the kids will not be here for Christmas, and while everyone was happy that we at least have a court date, they were all still pretty disappointed in the timing and rightly so. Based on the information we had been given, we have been telling them for almost a year now that they should be home...soon.
As the year dragged on, their initial excitement has faded and you can hear the weariness and frustration in their voices during our weekly phone calls. Often, one or more would refuse to talk on the phone to us at all they were so discouraged. This last bit of bad news was enough to sadden even the most optimistic of the bunch. So David and I thought the best way to ease their hurting hearts would be for one of us to travel down and surprise them for a few days. Since he went down in June, and I really wanted to go, we decided it was my turn. We then held a family meeting and explained to the kids that their brothers and sisters in Belize were sad and hurting and they could really use a visit from Mom for a Christmas gift to brighten their spirits and help re-establish the fragile bonds we forged last January.
This meant that Christmas back here would be extra meager...even though we do not believe in doing much of a materialistic Christmas this year’s would mean only a few stocking-stuffers for everyone. The one big annual family gift would be the airfare to Belize. Well it warms my heart and fills me with a joy like no other that EVERYONE...all the way down to 6 y/o Ben and Isabelle instantly agreed that would be the very best way to do Christmas this year. I am so proud that our kids are willing to sacrifice for the good of others.
So I leave on Thursday the 13th and will return on Monday night, December 17th. Pray that this short time I have with the Belizeans will encourage them and leave them feeling loved, chosen and precious to our family. And please pray that for ONCE during this incredibly long process, that the final process will go quickly and that our oldest , Z, would actually be home for her 14th birthday on February 3rd! The internet is VERY sporadic in Belize so I will update as I can and hopefully will do a more thorough job once I return home.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Court Date
We were originally told we were waiting for the very LAST thing we needed before we could bring our kids home...the Supreme Court date that would grant us guardianship of the Fab Five. Well as it turns out, that is NOT the very last thing we needed. We now need TWO court dates...the first now being a hearing granting a legal custodian to the children, and the second one will be( after said legal custodian reviews our case) legal guardianship to us. Well we just heard our Custodian case will be heard on November 13... It should be a one day no brainier. That SAME day, we were told, the custodian will ask for a court date for the guardianship date. We we told that court date should take no more than two weeks... Please, if there is anyone out there after 3-1/2 years of trying to bring these kids home that still read this journal and believes in prayer, please,please, please pray with us that these kids can come home before Christmas. We have been talking with them every single week since last December, and they are MORE than ready to come home. We are MORE than ready for them to come home.
We were originally told we were waiting for the very LAST thing we needed before we could bring our kids home...the Supreme Court date that would grant us guardianship of the Fab Five. Well as it turns out, that is NOT the very last thing we needed. We now need TWO court dates...the first now being a hearing granting a legal custodian to the children, and the second one will be( after said legal custodian reviews our case) legal guardianship to us. Well we just heard our Custodian case will be heard on November 13... It should be a one day no brainier. That SAME day, we were told, the custodian will ask for a court date for the guardianship date. We we told that court date should take no more than two weeks... Please, if there is anyone out there after 3-1/2 years of trying to bring these kids home that still read this journal and believes in prayer, please,please, please pray with us that these kids can come home before Christmas. We have been talking with them every single week since last December, and they are MORE than ready to come home. We are MORE than ready for them to come home.
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